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雷焕贵 何云峰

                  (山西农业大学公共管理学院, 山西太谷 030801



Abstract: The core value of cultural exhibitions is to show the charm of culture in the exhibition through the exhibition platform, and to use the influence of the exhibition to realize the protection of the culture of intangibles. This paper explains the basic functions and influencing factors of the exhibition from the perspective of cultural exhibitions, and then describes the shortcomings in the protection of the non-legacy culture. The carrier of cultural exhibitions provides new ideas for the protection of non-legacy culture. With the influence of exhibitions, the concentration, information resources and media have expanded the cultural connotation of non-legacy culture and strengthened the influence of non-legacy culture. Publicity, promotion and other means to protect the non-legacy culture in multiple ways.

         Keywords: cultural exhibition, intangible cultural heritage, live protection

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