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 The Digital Propagation Paths of LuBan's Craftsman Culture

Hou Yan-xiang1,Han Yun-zhong2

1.College of engineering management, Shan Dong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101,China

2.College of Marxism,Shan Dong Normal University, Jinan 250014,China

Abstract: In the nineteen reports of the Communist Party of China, general secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: " strengthen cultural confidence", "strengthen Internet content construction", "carry forward the spirit of model worker and craftsman spirit", and "promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture". LuBan, as a master of ancient Chinese craftsmen, enjoys the reputation of "the sage of machinery", "the ancestor of all trades" and "the master of skillfully winning", and is the embodiment of the wisdom, ability and virtue of the ancient Chinese working people. As an ancient craftsman's invention and creation culture widely spread among the people, LuBan's culture is an important part of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, which imperceptibly affects the values and behavior of practitioners in Chinese construction, machinery and other industries. Therefore, based on the discussion of the essence of LuBan's craftsman culture, this paper analyzes the threats and opportunities faced by the spread of LuBan's craftsman culture, discusses the applicable digital propagation paths, which mainly includes the application of new information technology such as cloud platform, virtual reality, live network, 3D scanning printing, AI,Internet of things, etc.

Key words: Lu Ban;craftsman culture; digital propagation



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